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Excellence is rarely a coincidence: in customer service outsourcing, management is acquired

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At their best, Swedes’ expertise and understanding of customer service are of an excellent international standard. All kinds of companies have internalized the importance of customer service, and customers expect better customer service because of the rise in customer service. Therefore, knowing a thing or two about managing customer service outsourcing is also important.

In Sweden, there is professional competence in customer service and service management that is worthy of praise. But excellence is rarely a coincidence. Development does not happen by itself; it is based on measurement and analysis, changes and improvements are planned, and, of course, actual work so that the plans can come true.

Five reasons why customer service is difficult to manage

Companies that serve customers often notice that customer service and its development are difficult to manage. Work can be accompanied by a wide variety of problems that hinder the achievement of a good final result.

  1. Numbers are lost, or they are blurry.
    Companies don’t necessarily know what metrics they should measure. And if they measure something, they aren’t sure what to do with the results.
  2. Resourcing issues
    Companies find it difficult to balance between efficiency and optimal resources. In worst cases, it is not possible to resource the customer service work so that the customer receives service promptly
  3. Not getting up-sell in line with the objectives
    Sales-oriented customer service is crucial and can be optimized with an experienced outsourcing partner.
  4. Cost savings
    Outsourcing aims to save costs by cutting budgets and organizing customer service to motivate employees and leave customers satisfied. Investing in people is vital for quality service, as a smile holds great power, even over the phone.

These are all reasons that trigger customer service development projects in companies. They are also the reasons why companies end up outsourcing their customer service.

Outsourcing is a way to acquire the best possible professional customer service expertise. In this way, the company becomes a customer and can enjoy the result delivered by the partner.

More results and less headaches

While companies are starting to consider outsourcing customer service for various reasons, one common fear behind the consideration is: How could a partner understand our business? Can we trust someone else with such a visible and audible part of the service?

These questions are understandable but, fortunately, unnecessary. Many industries and companies have outsourced some or all of their customer service, resulting in better outcomes and fewer challenges.

Here’s how outsourcing helps in organizing customer service:

Measurement and development

First of all, make sure that you measure the right things. Based on the needs and wishes of the outsourcing company, an experienced customer service partner can determine indicators that accurately indicate the progress of work and the fulfillment of goals. Based on the information, the partner can also identify development needs and implement the necessary measures. An experienced partner gives their customers a competitive advantage by efficiently identifying and solving their challenges.


For example, workforce planning, employee turnover, sick leave, and estimating the volume of future contacts require professional skills and efforts. In customer service outsourcing, these tasks are transferred entirely to the partner, and changes in customer service opening hours, for example, can be easily achieved.

Additional sales

The customer service situation is an opportune moment to check whether the customer’s services meet their needs and whether they might be interested in ordering additional services. Sales-oriented customer service is one of the cornerstones of modern customer service, and with an experienced outsourcing partner, the skill can be harnessed for the use of your own company without additional investments.

Cost savings

Finally, outsourcing seeks and generates cost savings, but savings are not only generated in Excel by reducing budget figures. Savings are generated when professionals organize customer service work into a goal-oriented and rewarding one, so a healthy employee is motivated to do their best and leave the customer feeling good about the service situation. Investing in people is part of the quality of service. A smile has great power, even over the phone.

Thoughts on savings for management

Above all, when outsourcing customer service is relevant, focus first and foremost on management. Good management is the key to making customer service work or not.

When you compare potential partners, consider the price, organization of work, development methods, and final results. Instead of cost savings, the driving force behind outsourcing can be something else, like the industry’s most-selling customer service. Savings above in outsourcing may not meet the company’s other business goals.

Overall, managing outsourced customer service well is integral to the company’s customer experience. At best, it is exactly what the customer wants and looks for. Its efficiency metrics tell you all the essentials about the operation in real time, and its operation can be changed quickly. It is a flexible route for the company to meet the end customer, whose work includes service, sales, and marketing.

Customer service for companies outsourcing
